
What is Positive Parenting?

“Because I said so!!”How many times did your parents say this phrase to you? How often were you spanked as a child? How much yelling was there in your house growing up?It’s safe to say that parenting styles have changed over the years. While spanking may have been deemed okay years ago, most parents agree now that hitting a child...[ read more ]

What is Racial Trauma?

Racial trauma, also sometimes referred to as race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to mental and emotional stress that is a result of racial bias, discrimination, and hate crimes. Those individuals who experience these types of encounters can subsequently deal with negative repercussions.The Mental Health Impacts of Racial TraumaIndividuals who experience racial trauma not only deal with the initial event, but...[ read more ]

The Truth About Perfectionism

We live in a society that values things that appear perfect. And I suppose there are things that can be perfect. Architects can draw the perfect straight line, mathematicians can solve an equation with a perfect calculation, and a chocolate cake can be perfectly moist.But as human beings, we can never reach a state of perfection because we will always...[ read more ]

Am I Codependent?

Codependency is a term that describes an unhealthy or unbalanced relationship where one person’s needs are met while the others aren’t. Codependent people are said to “enable” the bad behavior of a loved one by supporting them, no matter if it negatively affects their own well-being.As an example, a parent may have a hard time setting healthy boundaries by telling...[ read more ]

What is Emotional Incest?

Many of us grew up in households that were dysfunctional, where boundaries between parents and adults were blurred in unhealthy ways. Emotional incest is not of a sexual nature, but it does describe unhealthy emotional interactions between adults and children that are psychologically inappropriate.What this looks like in a real-life is a parent treating their child as a partner, relying...[ read more ]

International Survivors of Suicide Day

November 21st is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, an event that brings together survivors of suicide to share their experiences and offer hope and encouragement to others. Loss is never easy, but losing a loved one to suicide is particularly painful. Sadly, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that roughly 800,000 people die from suicide each year around the globe. That’s...[ read more ]

How to Help Your Child Overcome Attachment Issues from Adoption

Adopting a child can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Opening your home and heart to a child in need often leads to a bond that enriches both the parent and the child’s life.But sometimes the road to “happily ever after” is paved with potholes. Sometimes adoptive children suffer from attachment issues, which means they have an...[ read more ]

Things to Discuss Before Marriage

“I do.” Two simple enough words. And when you say them on your wedding day, you really mean them. But “I do” can quickly turn into, “I thought I could” when you don’t know exactly who or what you are committing to.Let’s face it, relationships are tricky and it’s important that you and your partner are 100% open and honest with...[ read more ]

3 Reasons Why Men Should Try Therapy

Men have taken on a specific role in human development over the span of hundreds of thousands of years. While roles have very recently shifted somewhat, historically speaking, men have been the ones to fight the wars and build society. And if you think about it, it’s pretty hard to feel emotions, let alone process them, while on bloody battlefields...[ read more ]

Anti-Bullying Awareness Week

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, one out of every five students reported being bullied in 2019, with slightly more female than male students reporting being a victim. 41% of students who reported being a target said they believed the bullying would continue.Anti-Bullying Awareness Week occurs each November as a reminder that we all, parents, teachers, and faculty,...[ read more ]

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Montgomery, TX 77316
(936) 449-8053

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